Sunday 29 December 2013

Introductory Crap.

Right, well first things first I'm writing this blog because I have a lot to say about a  lot of things and VLOGs are too much fucking effort.  I'll be writing about many things -basically anything of interest to me or that I simply have something to say about- at the moment my primary topic will be Whisky (the latest interest of mine), and I'll be writing my thoughts on that (and like as not doing some reviews too).  But I'll also be writing about things like; Anime, Video Games, Music, Tabletop RPGs (and my disappointment that I know almost no one who's interested in playing the damned things which means I've not played any for years), Politics, Economics, Films, Tv shows etc.  etc.  My name is Sam (the name Xephon I'm using comes from a friend's nickname for me based on the fact that before I was introduced to the awesomeness that is '80s anime, my favourite show was RahXephon), so feel free to call me that, or don't it's really up to you.  I have a dark sense of humour which may come out at times, I may swear at times on this blog, I'm a Libertarian and have a tendency to be a snob.  The last of those is not a good thing and I do like it when my snobbishness is proven wrong, but I'm just stating the stuff that might be controversial if you don't like my blog then you're welcome to not read it anytime.  Anyways I really hope anyone who reads this enjoys it.  I can't promise to blog regularly but I will certainly try to make up for that with the quality of my posts.  I'm not really as used to writing my ideas and thoughts as I am speaking them so finding a natural way to write might take me a while, and sorry if my writing seems a little forced because of that, but I'm gonna try.  Anyways I think that's got the bases down.  I hope you enjoy your time on this blog, and thanks for reading.

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